Press release: Seed investment and strategic partnership

May 1, 2024
thyssenkrupp Automotive Body Solutions and S.D.L. Süddeutsche Leasing AG are investing in the fintech company cap-on.

thyssenkrupp Automotive Body Solutions and S.D.L. Süddeutsche Leasing AG are investing in the fintech company cap-on:

▪ Joint development of digital financing and utilization concepts in the industrial goods business
▪ Establishment of “equipment-as-a-service” as a capital-saving business model for OEMs
▪ Expanding the range of services in plant engineering through platform-based financing and billing services

The body shop specialist, thyssenkrupp Automotive Body Solutions, and the financial services provider, S.D.L. Süddeutsche Leasing AG, are investing in cap-on GmbH, a start-up company from Bavaria that specializes in digital “pay per use” services.
Together, the companies want to establish new financing and digital usage concepts in the capital-intensive investment and industrial goods business in the future. thyssenkrupp Automotive Body Solutions and S.D.L. Süddeutsche Leasing AG have acquired a minority stake in cap-on and are advising the start-up company on designing the financing and service offering for industrial customers.

cap-on is using the capital contributed as part of the financing round in particular to expand the interdisciplinary team and the technical development of the IOT platform solution. Philipp Lenz, CEO of cap-on GmbH: “As a result of even closer cooperation with thyssenkrupp Automotive Body Solutions in the future, we will not only benefit from outstanding expertise in car body and plant engineering, but also from the opportunity to develop our innovative financing and service models directly with customers. At the same time, thanks to the entry of S.D.L. Süddeutsche Leasing AG, as a BaFin certified financing partner, we can draw on decades of experience in financial engineering and refinancing. ”

Falk Nüssle, CEO of thyssenkrupp Automotive Body Solutions: “As a plant manufacturer and at the same time an operator of automotive body manufacturing plants, we as a company can benefit from new capital-extensive financing models. At the same time, we want to expand our business model as a plant manufacturer in the long term to include new digital services, such as pay-per-use or equipment-as-a-service. In addition, we bring the knowledge of complex machine and plant control and cap-on the know-how for new financing models and digital billing systems. ”

The business idea behind “pay-per-use” or “equipment-as-a-service” is based on the fact that industrial companies no longer have to finance and purchase their production facilities themselves, but purchase specific production and work from a service provider. The range of services also includes other services, such as installation, maintenance and spare parts supply. The service provider guarantees the availability of the systems. Industrial customers benefit from less risk when making long-term investment decisions, lower budget commitments, Capex to Opex and greater flexibility in production management. The prerequisite for such a business model is the digital networking of production processes and machine data with intelligent financing and billing processes as an IoT platform solution.

“Through our investment in cap-on, we are bringing together all the skills needed to successfully get an equipment-as-a-service business model on the road: new financing models, the use of cutting-edge IoT data analytics in the production environment, and digital billing processes. We are convinced that this platform-based business model will revolutionize the production of industrial goods, as it is also scalable to other areas, such as capital-intensive IT applications,” explains Nüssle.

About cap-on
cap-on GmbH, a fintech founded in 2021, develops digital pay per use and asset as a service solutions for industrial customers. With cap-on's full-service offering, assets based on IoT data can be flexibly used and paid for per use. Thanks to the balance-sheet neutral financing structure and data-based risk management, users benefit from liquidity-friendly investment opportunities even in volatile market conditions. As part of the cap-on platform, the entire financing process, from contract and credit management to asset management, is handled digitally. cap-on uses intelligent data analyses to evaluate users, assets, market situations and forecasts of future credit risks.

About thyssenkrupp Automotive Body Solutions
thyssenkrupp Automotive Body Solutions is an integrated car body construction specialist. The product and service portfolio ranges from prototype, tool and plant construction to series production of car body components. The company has five development and production sites in Germany and a further six abroad. ThyssenKrupp Automotive Body Solutions currently employs a total of 2,200 people worldwide. The business unit is part of the automotive supply and service segment (Automotive Technology) of the thyssenkrupp Group. In the last financial year, this segment generated sales of 4.5 billion euros.

About S.D.L. Süddeutsche Leasing AG
S.D.L. Süddeutsche Leasing AG is a family-run leasing company based in Ulm-Elchingen. S.D.L. Süddeutsche Leasing AG implements in particular major projects in the manufacturing industry, automotive and mechanical and plant engineering and is a company registered with the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) in accordance with Section 64 (2) KWG. S.D.L. Süddeutsche Leasing AG's customers include innovative startups, small and medium-sized companies and DAX corporations.

Contact person:
cap-on GmbH
Philipp Lenz Co-Founder & CEO
+49 731 176626942
Address: Donaustraße 1, D-89275 Elchingen
Register court: Memmingen HRB 18293

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