Strategic partnership with Neoloan

May 1, 2024
cap-on and Neoloan agree on a strategic partnership.

cap-on and Neoloan agree on a strategic partnership. The common goal of the companies is to digitally connect manufacturers, users and financing partners in order to enable direct communication and, in particular, efficient processing of refinancing requests.

Neoloan is a company that has existed since 2019 and specializes in the development and provision of financial software solutions. With the “neoshare” product, Neoloan not only offers a settlement and process solution for syndicated loans, but is also tackling the digitization and optimization of high-volume corporate loans. The basis of the collaboration between Neoloan and cap-on is neoshare's ability to control features in isolation through external interfaces and to offer them container-based for integration into third-party systems. Neoloan is thus positioning itself as a technology supplier and strong partner to further advance digitization and networking in the financial world.


Philipp Lenz, CEO of cap-on GmbH:

“We are delighted to partner with Neoloan. Communication with partner banks and selection of the best possible refinancing partner is essential for our customers. Together, we want to create suitable interfaces and thus lay the basis for efficient work and decision-making processes. ”


Nico Singer, CEO of Neoloan AG:

“Together with cap-on, we are entering into a strong partnership that provides new impetus in the financial sector. The refinancing of cap-on is to be fully automated by the neoshare platform and banks in turn will provide the corresponding refinancing directly via neoshare. In this way, we enable a digital and partially automated end-to-end process from manufacturer to user to banks as refinancing partners! ”

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